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What is the address of 180 OVENBAKED PTE. LTD.?The address of 180 OVENBAKED PTE. LTD. is 114 LAVENDER STREET, #01-29, CT HUB 2, Singapore 338729
What is the signature products?The signature products are brownies, dark chocolate cookies, sea salt chocolate chips and lemon yuzu tart.
What is form of payment do you guys have?We currently have two payment methods cash and PayNow. Cash payment is only eligible for purchases at the shop.
Tell me more about 180 OVENBAKED PTE. LTD.?180 OVENBAKED PTE. LTD. is ACRA-registered entity that has been operating for 1 year 1 month in Singapore since its incorporation in 2022. Officially, 180 OVENBAKED PTE. LTD. is registered as Exempt Private Limited Company with its address 114 LAVENDER STREET, #01-29, CT HUB 2, Singapore 338729 180 OVENBAKED PTE. LTD. is a non-listed entity in the private market with no IPO filing As of 1 March 2020, the company is not involved in any litigation based on the public records of the Supreme Court of Singapore. This information is provided to the best of our research ability and we make no warranties over any data inaccuracies or omissions
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